HUNTERS ECB Yorkshire Premier League North 
All complaints must be made via email only to  
Complaints can take up a lot of League Official’s time to investigate, and therefore a £250 administration fee must be paid to the League before any investigation takes place. £200 of this will be refunded if blame, fault, or wrongdoing can be proven against the person or club being complained against. 
The League may take action against any complainant where it is felt that the allegation is vexatious. Any action may include a financial penalty, league points deduction, or the requirement for a club to apply for re-election to the league. This list is not exhaustive. 
Where a complaint is upheld the defendant (club or person) will be dealt with by either an administration panel or disciplinary panel depending on the type of offence. 
15.1 Any club lodging a protest (other than a disciplinary issue) against another club or other issue should send such protest to the League Disciplinary Officer by email within 48 hours of the end of the match where applicable, together with a £50 administration fee. The amount required will be an administration charge which will be refunded if the protest or complaint is upheld by a panel. Where a protest fails there may also be a further charge to cover expenses. 
15.2 All protests and complaints will be considered by a panel put together by the Management Board. Clubs have a right to appeal to a further separate panel appointed by the Management Board. There will be a minimum administration charge of £150 plus expenses for any appeal hearing. 
15.3 Any club or individual making a complaint about another club, their officials, players, or spectators must provide forensic evidence in writing before any investigation will commence. 
15.4 In the case of a dispute, representatives of the club, or clubs, concerned will be eligible to attend the hearing but will not be allowed to vote. 
15.5 The Management Board may call on any club to produce their DBS Register, Minute Book, Cash Book or Score Book, Photocard Government ID, or other items to prove the bona-fides of any player against whom a protest has been made.