HUNTERS ECB Yorkshire Premier League North 
Yesterday saw a huge number of runs scored across the League as batters took advantage of the fine weather and quick outfields. Amongst the carnage, two records appear to have been broken at Hornsea in Division 2 Holderness where the home side racked up a massive 469 - 4 in their allotted 45 overs against Newport. The highest previous highest team score that I can find is 401 - 1 by Huntington against Cawood in Division 5A in 2010. 
Doug Griebenouw was the main contributor with 285 not out, beating what appears to be the previous highest individual score of 234 not out by M Johnson of Huntington in the above match in 2010. I feel sure that Jonathan Fisher would have been delighted with his 'minor' contribution of 113. 
Rob Smith 
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