Protests and Complaints can be time consuming and costly for league officials. This is reflected in the non-refundable charges below.
Club Officials should note that Protests & Complaints are dealt with as administrative issues and not as disciplinary cases and are covered under League Rule M15.
The League may take action against any complainant where it is felt that the allegation is vexatious. Any action may include a financial penalty, league points deduction, or the requirement for a club to apply for re-election to the league. This list is not exhaustive.
Download: Lodging A Protest Proforma
Download: Making A Complaint Proforma
The rules covering protests & complaints are as follows:
M 15.1: Any club lodging a protest (other than a disciplinary issue) against another club or other issue should send such protest to the Disciplinary Officer only by email within 24 hours of the end of the match where applicable, together with the financial amount required via BACS to the League bank account. Where a protest fails there will also be a further charge to cover expenses.
M 15.2: All protests & complaints will be considered by a panel put together by the Disciplinary Officer or appointed Deputy. Unless there are exceptional circumstances all hearings will be via ‘zoom’. Clubs have a right to appeal to a further independent panel appointed by the Disciplinary Officer or appointed Deputy. There will be a minimum administration charge of £250. Of this £200 will be refunded if the protest or complaint is upheld. Expenses will be charged in addition to the administration charge.
M 15.3: Any club or individual making a complaint about another club, their officials, players, or spectators must provide forensic evidence in writing before any investigation will commence.
M15.4: In the case of a dispute, representatives of the club, or clubs, concerned will be eligible to attend the hearing but will not be able to vote.
M 15.5: The Management Board may call on any club to produce their DBS Register, Minute Book, Cash book or Score book to prove the bona-fides of any player against whom a protest has been made
M15.6: Protests & Complaints are classed as administration issues. Where a hearing [including an appeal hearing] is required, a panel must comprise of a Chair and minimum of two other members.
M15.7: Clubs [or other complainants] must appoint one person to be the contact between them and the league. Under no circumstances, unless agreed by the Disciplinary Officer or appointed deputy, should anyone else contact or attempt to contact the league or others involved in the case.
M15.8: Panel Hearing Procedure
- Email the correct form to the league Disciplinary Officer withing 24 hours of the game finishing.
- Arrange for the fee to be paid to the league via BACS within 24 hours of making the protest or complaint.
- Once the appropriate fee has been received the league will commence investigations. You will be kept updated via email.
- Once the Disciplinary Officer has received submissions from all parties, he or she will inform both clubs of the date when the panel hearing will take place via ‘zoom’ and arrange for invites to be sent out, along with the names of those sitting on the panel.
- Late submissions and positioning statements from all participants can be accepted up until 24 hours prior to the meeting.
- The panel Chair will make all participants aware of the hearing result as soon as possible, although this may not be the same day as the hearing.
- No further discussion is permitted regarding any aspect of the case unless a participant appeals.
M15.9: Appeals procedure
- Participants have seven days from the notification of the verdict in which to appeal the decision made by the panel.
- This must be made via email to the league Disciplinary Officer laying out the exact reasons for the appeal along with the appropriate fee paid to the league. The fact that a participant does not like the result is not a genuine reason for grounds to appeal.
- If there is fresh evidence this must be provided with the reason for wishing to appeal as late submissions and positioning statements etc will not be accepted.
- Once the Disciplinary Officer has received submissions from all parties, he or she will inform both clubs of the date when the panel hearing will take place via ‘zoom’ and arrange for invites to be sent out, along with the names of those sitting on the panel.
- The panel Chair will make all participants aware of the hearing result as soon as possible, although this may not be the same day as the hearing.
- The result of this hearing will be final and binding on all sides.
Appealing Against A Summary Administration Penalty
Administration penalties are imposed by a member of the YPLN Disciplinary team. These are generally for when league rules are broken for example infringements such as team strengthening, ineligible players, and scorecard issues [this list is not exhaustive]. Clubs will be informed by a member of the YPLN Disciplinary Team of the infringement and penalty awarded against them or not as the case may be.
If a participant wishes to appeal they must email their intention and set out the reasons for appeal to Rob Richtering at Appellents have seven days from the time and date of the email informing them of the penalty in which to appeal. A panel will be put together to hear the appeal via 'zoom' unless there are exceptional circumstances that prohibit this.
Appeal hearings are very time consuming and costly for league officials. This is reflected in the non-refundable charges below.
Appeal Procedure
- Email Rob Richtering within seven days from the time and date of the email informing them of the penalty setting out clearly the reasons for appeal, along with any new evidence. After this point new submissions will not be permitted.
- Deposit £250 in the league account. If appellants are successsful £200 will be refunded.
- Once the above criteria has been met a panel will be put together. None of the members will be from clubs in the same division or have already been involved in the issue thus far.
- An invite on 'zoom' will be sent to the appellant club Chair & Secretary along with any other witnesses including opposition club officials if appropriate.
- The panel will allow all participnats to state their case and then decide on a verdict which will be communicated to all participants within 24 hours.
- The panel's decision will be final and binding on all sides.